thomas maltbie
Since late March, I have been participating in workshops and conferences; trying to learn as much as I can from as many experts as possible. I have blown glass, cast glass, fused glass, slumped glass and torchworked glass. Some of the more successful pieces are shown here. Remember, this glass thing is new to me.
Beginning blown pieces from working with Chad Balster at Louisville Glassworks. We also experimented with casting pyramids.
A three-layer fused and slumped bowl from my own early attempts at kilnformed glass
The pyramid, and other references to Egypt, are part of an ongoing project that will be one of the South Ripley Elementary School installations. The pieces above were cast from sheet glass in sand.
While at Fred diFrenzi's studio in Louisville this summer I built a clay model, cast it in plaster/silica investment, then kilncast glass into the mold. Again, the pyramid is part of the imagery. More on this piece.

Student work at South Ripley Elementary

Architectural Glass Art
and Louisville Glassworks
Casting Workshops Glass Art Society
St louis June 06
Warm Glass Conference
Arrowmont Sept 06
My Works So Far
thom maltbie - - dillsboro, indiana 47018